A Marvelous Collection


I’ve been busy working on lots of new genres of artwork. This Marvelous collection is one. I’ve always had a massive passion for pop culture and pop art. Since I’ve had my son - who is now five years old and completely mad about super heroes (which boy of his age isn’t, after all?) - I realised that Marvell characters seemed an obvious route for me to take with this set of original artworks.

Each composition has been drawn prior to producing the mosaic, which is made up of tiny versions of the original image. Once each piece has been digitally mastered, it’s then printed in black and white onto heavy art paper. When printed, I then set out to recreate the characters by painting freehand, using no stencils, an airbrush and translucent ink. I mix the colours as I go and paint continuously, until the piece is finished, building up colours layer by layer. I’m saying this so you know how much work goes into each picture.

I’ve started with Batman and Captain America, but have also produced the mosaics for Spiderman, Iron Man and The Hulk. They’ll be on my site very soon.

For this collection, I will produce just 10 editions of a piece. Every print will be totally unique.

I hope you enjoy this collection, as much as I did producing it.

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